So, the hard drive in my server died. It is now known to me that this hard drive has massive issues across the board and it will be the last Seagate drive that I buy for a good long time. I had to rebuild my server the last time because a Seagate drive let go. Not tracking well.
Anyway, I have the new drive installed, the base OS, Fedora 12, installed and NycNyne up and running again, but even that is not without its problems. Maybe more on that later. It’s not me. It’s phpBB3’s Devs and steering committee.
Anyway, knowing that I have piping hot fresh backup files to repopulate the new drive with, I started reverse engineering my previous post, here, on rsync.
This is what I issued:rsync -vaurz -e ssh Backup.IP.Add.ress:/path/multimedia ./
from the root directory on the new hard drive…as root. BAM!
But I noticed that this was running WAY slow. Like 21 Mbit/s slow. That is too slow.
Googling around, I reissued with:rsync -vaurzW -e ssh Backup.IP.Add.ress:/path/multimedia ./
and that gained me a few Mb/s, but not enough to feel proud about. I KNOW that this has run faster!
What is that “z”? That means compress. Hmmm…rsync -vaurzW -e ssh Backup.IP.Add.ress:/path/multimedia ./
I don’t know what that W does yet, but man! About 120Mbit/s, which is right in range and will not take the rest of the night to transfer.