Email to my wife about the Newtown, CT school shooting

Stumbled into a rat’s nest of comments following an article about the shooting.
The Liberals are angry about the lack of gun laws in this country.
And the Conservatives are angry that the Liberals want to take their guns away.
They are all just mad. One Conservative poster said “Even if you pass a law banning guns, good luck coming to collect them.”
That is simply an implied threat! And it proves out the whole “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns” mantra.
I am angry about the whole thing, too. I am angry that we can’t come to some kind of middle ground on this issue.
My head hurts from thinking about those poor kids and how not a god damn thing will change in this sick society to try and prevent this from happening again in the future.
Where were those “90 million registered gun owners” while this was happening? I thought they _needed_ those guns in order to protect their families from the nut jobs out there?

I am very sad and I just want to leave this frigged up place more and more.


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