Tag Archives: Jenny

Other folk’s family trees

The woman that I am bonded with has a half-brother.
He’s a hell of a nice guy, but he is a bit sad.
He doesn’t really get on all that well with my partner’s side of the family and his mother up and left him when he was very young.… Read the rest

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Jenny has painted and started decorating the basement room. I installed the cat door last weekend and three of them immediately took to it. One is using it as a toy, even! The other three? Not so much! They are afraid of it, actually!… Read the rest

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Fun at Home Depot and finding Cthulhu dreaming in the basement window

After a week away, I came back to the door and rehung the latch side. It is not 100%, but I am much happier with it. It closes.
I then sealed off the kitteh excape root and called for my test subject to be released into the room.… Read the rest

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Weekend House Work

Last weekend I installed the sheetrock on some framing I installed at the bottom of the basement stairs.
Hate to admit it, but T@# was right. There is not a damn thing that is square or level in this house!
Not stopping at that, I started ‘rocking up sections of the main basement dividing wall around pipes, etc.… Read the rest

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Bored at werk…must be time for a blog update

Things have been slow at werk of late. Too slow.
I am used to being busy the whole time I am here: 7:30AM to 4PM.
But, lately, things have been just dead.
I won’t have anything to do until 8 or 9, if I get anything, and then I won’t have anything else to do the entire day.… Read the rest

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Jenny Lee and I are now packing our long awaited Android phones. We went with Motorola Droids on Verizon. I’m very happy so far, but there is a bit of a learning curve to it.

This post made via the AndroBlogger app on my Droid.… Read the rest

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Oh, Jenny…

The 2010 Zip Line Canopy Tour Season Starts April 1

😀… Read the rest

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Dinner with Jenny, playing with cats. Home now. One cat on lap, another on shoulder.… Read the rest

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