What I Did on My Mid-Summer Vacation: Day 3

If I had a late start yesterday, I was even more delayed on the third day.

First, I was informed that “the family” had decided that they wanted ad-blocking turned back on on the pfSense firewall. I was told to turn this off several months ago. Of course, nothing is ever easy and when I enabled pfblockerng, the CPU shot to 100%. Eventually, I found that this was an unpatched bug and the fix was fairly straight-forward. I then started the art of balancing resource impact and feature turn-on. We now have very few ads showing.

Second, I was asked to install the desktop to Calin’s new fold-down desk in his bedroom. Gladly done. The kid is loving it for both stop-motion animation and as his battle station for gaming with his buddy in Tennessee.

Fold-down desk

It is a small Cape-style house, so we need to be creative with our use of space. This is a full 4′ x 2′ desk, but it folds down to stand only 3/4″ off the wall when not in use. Lots of ideas from watching shows about RV living. The father of our next-door neighbor, who has been in the house her entire life, had installed a million tweaks, like custom drawers in the walls, to maximize the space in the house. Jenny, Calin, and I are cramped just with the three of us, but the next-door folks had at least five people living in that house, which is the same exact as ours!

Eventually, this landed in the driveway, too.

No ads on our Internet, but our driveway is another story…

I am now convinced that one should order one of these every five years and just pitch all the crap that has collected.

And, being now Monday, I called Lowe’s Customer Support, which gave me an unconvincing assurance that the shed will be delivered on Wednesday the 3rd…between 8AM and 8PM.

I spent the rest of the day loading all of the old shed remains into the dumpster, which was quite a bit more work than I expected. Yes, every part of my body was in pain by this point, but as I mentioned to Jenny at the end of the day, things that seemed heavy a few days ago, no longer seem heavy now.

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