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Author Archives: matthannan
High Availability Pi-Hole Servers

Had been running a single Pi-Hole for a long while, but I would always have to wait until after C & J were abed before I could update it.
Having a second Pi-Hole server running was key. Was trying to get the second one spun up as a Docker instance on the Synology NAS, but trying to keep the two servers in sync was not going to be easy going, as ssh is key to this process.… Read the rest
Prometheus node exporter on Raspberry Pi – How to install – Linuxhit
Old write-up, but it worked AOK for me just now on Pi4B.
Node exporter is a great way to monitor your Raspberry Pi with Prometheus. Follow these steps to get node exporter running on your Raspberry Pi.
Source: Prometheus node exporter on Raspberry Pi – How to install – Linuxhit
Before I forget how to add devices to Prometheus…
user@docker:~$ sudo nano /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
… Read the rest HOWTO Update Portainer
I’ve set up my Portainer servers slightly differently than the official docs. They map to port 9443 and I map to port 9000. No big whoop, but it will stop me dead.
This is what it should look like:
user@docker:~$ sudo docker stop portainer
user@docker:~$ sudo docker rm portainer
user@docker:~$ sudo docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest
latest: Pulling from portainer/portainer-ce
795a208431d7: Pull complete
4f272ca3dde3: Pull complete
5171176db7f2: Pull complete
52e9438966a5: Pull complete
43d4775415ac: Pull complete
c1cad9f5200f: Pull complete
27d6dca9cab4: Pull complete
231d7e50ef35: Pull complete
589f2af34593: Pull complete
5fc2ddaa6f07: Pull complete
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f29cbc7b26ebd70--------ea350e871372a6296a1fa16ba999481fb2
Status: Downloaded newer image for portainer/portainer-ce:latest
… Read the rest
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Take Note
I am on my end of summer vacation and working through some psychic backlog items. Don’t get me started on Wireguard VPN. Grumble, grumble. But I am kind of relieved to have spent the morning screwing around with note applications again.… Read the rest
Outbound VPN on the pfSense Router
Privacy is increasingly a priority in my design decisions when it comes to what I what I am implementing in my home network. I am loathe to describe it as a “homelab“, as this is about as front-line production as it gets.… Read the rest
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Further Adventures with Music on Raspberry Pi
I have a Raspberry Pi 3B (not the Plus version) with a HiFiBerry Digi+ DAC HAT attached. This is connected to my old school Sony receiver via TOSLINK fiber. I also have a 10.1″ touchscreen attached. The goal of all of this was to build a digital jukebox to play my music collection through.… Read the rest
Summer Vacation 2023
Legoland in Upstate New York. Definitely a good time.

The park was much larger than expected, and it is built on the side of a mountain, so it was easy getting to the lower level early in the day, but oh so rough coming back up at the end!… Read the rest
One Note To Rule Them All (not the one you think)
Looking back at my web search history, I have been on a quest for several months now to find a note-taking application that checks a couple of very specific boxes and that I can use for documenting my home network (aka home lab) setup.… Read the rest
Finally upgrading my Raspberry Pi 3B+ from SD-Card to SSD
I have one last Pi still running on SD-Card and know it is only a matter of time before it the card gives up the ghost. This is my basement Pi, which has done service as an IR camera with Open CV, and still does duty as a Python development kick-around, and, more importantly, is my current air quality sensor for the basement.… Read the rest
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