So, SoftEther VPN has been cranking along nicely for me for months now. I really love it. It stays out of the way and does exactly what it is supposed to do.
I just bought a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.… Read the rest
So, SoftEther VPN has been cranking along nicely for me for months now. I really love it. It stays out of the way and does exactly what it is supposed to do.
I just bought a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.… Read the rest
So, this is how I started my day today:
I have been working with Kieran for a couple of months now. I would like to say I played a larger role in his journey to discover his bio family, but he really did all the legwork.… Read the rest
In a follow up to this post and this post, I finally received the first of the grave records from Calvary Cemetery in Queens. This took just over two months, which seems a bit long, especially for the amount of “research” that went into this and the cost.… Read the rest… Read the rest
In an effort to clear my desk fo at least one piece of paper, I am going to write this blog post about my mother’s, mother’s father, David T. Atkinson Sr. At least, that is what he thought his name was.… Read the rest
I am working my way through Zed Shaw‘s “Learn Python the Hard Way“, which is both a book with a DVD containing videos of each of the lessons and a web site that does not have the videos.… Read the rest
It looks like there are a couple of good ideas in here on integrating WordPress and Twitter.
Source: 9 Ways to Integrate Twitter With WordPress (Beginner’s Guide)… Read the rest
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