Pretty Frank followup

I’ve raked the yard two days running and took a shower after today’s session. Neither pit was ripe. In fact, it wasn’t until nearly the end of the shower when I finally caught a hint of something from the Piper Wai pit. It wasn’t overly strong, but it was…organic.

The Pretty Frank has an odd feel to it, however, that the Piper Wai does not. It is sort of, I don’t know. Waxy is the the best I am finding for it. And this is really only when putting it on, which is kind of painful. On a hairiness scale of newborn lizard to full-grown adult, male, Sasquatch, I tend toward the ‘squatch. It was not cold today, and, for a paste, this stuff was still rather unforgiving on my pit fur. I am sure that I will get used to it.

No signs of the baking soda burn, which is, really, pretty awesome. So, so far, so good with the Pretty Frank.

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  1. Pingback: Pretty Frank Deodorant Update | Matt's Blarg

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