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Tag Archives: home assistant
Further Adventures with Music on Raspberry Pi
I have a Raspberry Pi 3B (not the Plus version) with a HiFiBerry Digi+ DAC HAT attached. This is connected to my old school Sony receiver via TOSLINK fiber. I also have a 10.1″ touchscreen attached. The goal of all of this was to build a digital jukebox to play my music collection through.… Read the rest
Air quality measurement sensor with ESPhome
The original guide shows the build using the ESP8266 board. While there is nothing wrong with this build, the ESP8266 does not have built-in Bluetooth support, which is all the rage these days.
Source: Air quality measurement sensor with ESPhome
I have a working ESP32 prototype on my desk.… Read the rest
What I Did on My Mid-Summer Vacation: Day 5
Forecast for the day is a heat advisory. If we haven’t already been under one, having one today was really bad news. I took advantage of not being able to work out in the yard to get caught up on the checking account and paying the couple of bills that were sitting on my desk.… Read the rest
Home Assistant 2022.7 Update: History
Learned about the update to History via this YouTube video.
Holy crows, this is a good one! I quickly noticed some expected things missing from the graphs, so I ran back through my device “Locations” and found a bunch of them either not set or not accurately set.… Read the rest
A New Toy: HP EliteDesk 800 G4 Mini PC
I just bought a thing.

It has been a refresher lesson in Intel CPUs for me, as well as a revisitation of what my financial pain threshold is. Even this ($288) is a bit above what I wanted to comfortably pay, as I need to drop more RAM into it.… Read the rest
Posted in Geek
Tagged BiL, Bored Geek, Calin, Fortress of Solitude, hermit, home assistant, HP EliteDesk 800, mini PC, Proxmox, RaspberryPi
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Like Frankenstein’s Monster, Just Zap It With Electricity
Electricians are arrived at the house at about 8:00AM. Told me it’d be about four hours to install the 240-volt from the circuit breaker panel to the outdoor heat-pump. They were done a touch past 10:00AM.
I turned the Nest thermostat, which drives the oil burner, down to 58F and ran around setting the head-units to 66F.… Read the rest
Posted in Geek, Life
Tagged esp8266 esp32, Google Nest, heat-pump, Heating, home assistant, joys of marriage, mini-splits
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And the Next Day, Mini-Splits
Everything happens at once. Yesterday we took down a 75′ spruce tree, and today they started installing our ductless mini-splits.
Today, they installed the four head-units, the backer plates for the exterior channels, and the pad for the outdoor compressor. Tomorrow they install the line sets and hopefully the outdoor compressor.… Read the rest
Posted in Geek, Life
Tagged Calin, esp8266 esp32, home assistant, home improvements, Jenny, mini-splits
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