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Category Archives: Geek
VPN Update
So, since my last post, we have moved houses. States even. We are now in Greenville, RI, which has made my commute very interesting. I had to buy a car, in fact, just to get to the train. More on that later.… Read the rest
Victory is…compromise
Before I left work yesterday, I started the process to nuke the hard drive in my AT&T laptop.
With the holiday looming, I wanted to get it in the mail back to my soon to be former boss ASAP.
This also left me with finally landing my personal laptop on my desk for reals.… Read the rest
It is so beautiful, I could cry!
Not really, but I am wicked happy about this.
Laptop “Mobile” via iPhone to OpenVPN on OpenWRT.
… Read the rest
OpenWRT, follow-up
It has been a really, really good day on the router front.
I am very happy with OpenWRT and you should be, too.
Everything is cranking right along with plenty of room to spare.
With the help of these links, I was able to get my DNS server settings pointing to OpenDNS, even in IPv6.… Read the rest
Hello from…
Mobile the Laptop, connected via my iPhone’s hotspot to the OpenVPN server running on the OpenWRT router!
I can see devices on the network, but only the wireless one. I am wondering if this is a firewall issue or something. In any event, it should be easy to fix.… Read the rest
Well, that was quick.
I was able to make a connection from remote back to the Gargoyle router via the OpenVPN tunnel. But, I was unable to see anything on the LAN. Sure, this was not one of the objectives when I started this journey, but after seeing that option in action in SoftEther, I now want it…because it is wicked cool.… Read the rest
Hello from…
my iPhone via OpenVPN connecting to the Gargoyle-Router. Setting up OpenVPN on the iPhone was the toughest part.… Read the rest
Gargoyle Router…with OpenVPN
As it turns out, I have two routers on my home LAN. The one I have had in place for a long time is a Netgear WNDR4300. It is not the best router in the world, but it has been very stable for me over the years.… Read the rest
OpenVPN…for Windows
So, like most times I post to the Internet that I am having an issue with something, the answer becomes immediately available.
This time, I said that OpenVPN seemed to be Linux-only.
Well, it turns out that this is not so much the case.… Read the rest
SoftEther VPN, follow-up
I am writing at work on my laptop which is connected via WiFi to the guest network.
This guest network dumps you straight out to the Internet, but subjects you to internal proxy rules.
No Social Web anything. And, quite honestly, screw these guys and their data collections.… Read the rest
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