pfSense: Guide to Fix Nintendo Switch 2618-0516 Unable to Connect to others console / NAT traversal

Had to set this up in order to get online, multi-player working.

Source: pfSense: Guide to Fix Nintendo Switch 2618-0516 Unable to Connect to others console / NAT traversalRead the rest

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The Bench is Complete

Santa is set to receive a new LED tomorrow.… Read the rest

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First Build in the New Shed

Last week, the power was finally connected to the shed. I’ve not talked about it in a while, but I paid to have it roofed, as I have no business being on a roof. Jenny helped me with painting the structure.… Read the rest

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The 179 Days of Deodorant

How festive! A holiday deodorant update. God, I love this blog.

Anyway, yeah, 179 days to get through my last jar of Pretty Frank Seaside Activated Charcoal deodorant. Summer and the lessening of the COVID resulted in this veritable sprint through the jar.… Read the rest

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Configuring VLANs on Proxmox- An Introductory Guide

Much easier to implement than I was expecting.
I am moving what will be my initial Mastodon server off of my main (Trusted) vlan to the IoT vlan. I need to investigate the best way to implement Proxmox in general. Should I create a Server vlan?… Read the rest

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Air quality measurement sensor with ESPhome

The original guide shows the build using the ESP8266 board. While there is nothing wrong with this build, the ESP8266 does not have built-in Bluetooth support, which is all the rage these days.

Source: Air quality measurement sensor with ESPhome

I have a working ESP32 prototype on my desk.… Read the rest

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What I Did on My Mid-Summer Vacation: Day 5

Forecast for the day is a heat advisory. If we haven’t already been under one, having one today was really bad news. I took advantage of not being able to work out in the yard to get caught up on the checking account and paying the couple of bills that were sitting on my desk.… Read the rest

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More Let’s Encrypt V3, Part B, Subparagraph G

Well, it has been three months since I last had to wrestle with Let’s Encrypt certs.

As expected, they did not auto-renew.

I issued the commands found in the previous post on this topic and noticed something.

[name@server ~]$ --issue --server letsencrypt -d
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What I Did on My Mid-Summer Vacation: Day 4

Plan for the day was to limp my broken butt out to the yard and get the three beams in place and leveled. While having breakfast, Lowe’s had other ideas.

Son of a biscuit!

So, obviously, there is no longer a rush for me to get the beams in place.… Read the rest

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What I Did on My Mid-Summer Vacation: Day 3

If I had a late start yesterday, I was even more delayed on the third day.

First, I was informed that “the family” had decided that they wanted ad-blocking turned back on on the pfSense firewall. I was told to turn this off several months ago.… Read the rest

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